Discover on our site many imported French products.
Browse our selection of French themed products, popular products in France, home decor with a French flair, as well as vintage and antique jewelry and collectibles from France, Europe and the World.
Think French!



Accessories (15 items)

Beauty Products
French favorite brands like Le Petit Marseillais, Ushuaia, Tahiti, Marseille soaps and much more!

Beauty Products (73 items)

French clothing for the whole family!

Clothing (11 items)

Flavors d'Antan

France has always been a delight for antique lovers. All over the country you find shops, fairs, and village markets full of antique and vintage items.
During the summer, many villages will have “vide-greniers” which translated means “attic emptied”, it is the French version of garage sales/flea markets. People empty their attics and homes, have a table in the middle of the village and sell.
Elisabeth loved to attend those events when she lived in France and as soon as she returns to France in the Summer, she looks for these “vide-greniers” in her native Provence to discover antique and vintage treasures to bring back. There’s a unique French word for that “chiner”.
We feature French antique and vintage jewelry and objects we flashed on during our summers in France. 

Our collection has evolved, it still predominantly features vintage and antique jewelry and home decor items sourced from France, but now also from Europe, and across the globe as sometimes we find items that are too beautiful not get. We also carry unique jewelry pieces made a vintage or antique focal piece and semi-precious stones. 

Our Flavors d'Antan collection aligns with our commitment to promoting a more sustainable future in the world of fashion and home decor. 

Flavors d'Antan (29 items)

French Gifts
For all your gifts, think French!

French Gifts (40 items)

French Home

Want to give a French touch to your home? The French Home Collection brings you home accessories like linens from Paris and Provence, stationery, tableware... as well as home decor with painting from Provence, sculpture and decorative French objets.  

French Home (58 items)


Our collection predominantly features vintage and antique jewelry sourced from France, Europe, but also across the globe. We also offer a limited selection of new jewelry, and jewelry made with vintage or antique pieces and semi-precious stones, aligning with our commitment to promoting a more sustainable future in the world of fashion.

Jewelry (45 items)

Kids clothing, accessories, toys...

Kids (5 items)

Paris Souvenirs
Fun souvenirs from Paris!

Paris Souvenirs (13 items)

Bring Provence to your home!

Provence (26 items)



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